$First_name $Last_name, ($Membership_ID).
We are sorry to inform you that your redemption on the Fidelity Bank Green Rewards with order number
$order_no was not successfully processed.
Kindly note that item(s) is currently out of stock and your reward points has been reversed to your loyalty account.
Please login to your loyalty account via your Fidelity Bank application or Online banking or by clicking on this link
$program_website to view your account statement.
See your redemption details below:
Date: $Date
Order number: $Order_no
Item(S): $Items_redeemed
Quantity: $Quantity
Voucher no: $Voucher_no
Pick up location: $Pickup_Location
Delivery Address: $Delivery_address
Price: $points_redeemed
Grand total: $Grand_total_points
For enquiries, please call our interactive Contact Centre to speak with any of our agents on 070034335489 or 09087989069. You can also send an email to
If you are calling from outside Nigeria, please dial +2349087989069.
Thank you for choosing Fidelity Bank.
Please note that Fidelity Bank would NEVER request your account information or an update of your banking details (including BVN and REWARDS POINTS) via email or telephone. Please DISREGARD and DELETE all such emails and SMS as they are messages intended to defraud you. In addition, NEVER generate a token or passcode for anyone via telephone, email or internet chat.